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Services for Families and Caregivers

Page Summary


Educational Consulting

We offer personalized educational consulting services to families and caregivers of learners with disabilities. We can assist with advocacy, documentation, government funding applications, financial planning, transitions, and post-secondary preparation.


Parent Support Groups

We host online and in-person parent and caregiver support groups at our learning centre.  In these meetings, we share resources and bring the community together for support and advocacy. Adults and children are welcome to all our in-person events. Snacks are provided.

Book a FREE 30 minute Consultation Now

Educational Consulting Services

FormEdOn’s personalized family consulting services are offered in-person or online at the rate of CAD $85 per hour. A summary document, including an action plan, is emailed to families following the session.

General Consulting Areas

Summarization and translation of  psycho-educational assessment reports into simplified learning plans for parents to refer to during school meetings

Informative sessions about available community and government resources and individualized support with PWD and Autism funding applications

Family preparation and planning for Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and Case Management meetings with the school team

Assistance with finding and getting appointments with support providers for psycho-educational testing, specialized health services, financial advising, and  Disability Tax Credit 

Assistance with transitions from elementary to high-school and from high-school to post-secondary institutions. 

Informative sessions on School-Based Special Education services for families of children with disabilities who have/or plan to immigrate to Canada

Interested in attending a support group?

Fill the form or email us at

to express interest. 


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